What Is Sealcoating?
Over time, asphalt degrades due to numerous factors, including wear & tear, overuse, harsh weather, and exposure to the sun. To avoid or prolong the need for expensive replacements after years of usage, many property owners rely on sealcoating.
Sealcoating is the process of applying a coating to asphalt-based pavements to provide a layer of protection from precipitation, the freeze-and-thaw cycle, water, oils, and U.V. damage.
Sealcoating accomplishes this by slowing down the oxidation process, filling and sealing small cracks, and protecting the pavement and road base from water, oils, and weather to increase the life span of the asphalt.
Asphalt and Pothole Repair – this involves a range of methods depending on the extent of the repair: a throw and roll method or saw-cut, fill and compact. To improve the durability of any asphalt patch, we recommend that edges are sealed to prevent further intrusion of water and/or debris.